O u t
I always grew up to believe of the importance to think out of the box, to question ourselves, to be open minded and encourage each and others to exploit the full potential of their abilities… Now it is sometimes harder to say than to actually do. When I was in school, I was constantly pressured by the idea of choosing one faculty for my university degree, some of my friends were having nervous attacks because their parents wanted them to study law, or economics when they still haven’t fully understood who they truly were and what they could actually contribute to this world.
If we could all make good use of our lives, now wouldn’t that mean to do and fight for what we love? I believe that our place in this world is valuable only if we work from passion, because no good has ever resulted from someone who’s been forced to do something he hates. We all have a lesson to teach and we all have a lesson to learn. You could stumble upon a homeless man on the street and he could teach you the most valuable life lesson you’ll ever learn, such as you can talk with a business man from wall street and he’ll open your eyes on hundreds of other facts, and perspectives. We are all here to live our stories and share them with one another, to help, uplift, empower and inspire each other.
With this being said, brining it back to kinder garden, I remember how my friends and I couldn’t pick just one toy to play with, or how we wanted to play the role game 5 times just to be able to be each character at least once. In high school that’s how I felt when ticking, again, these terrifying university faculty boxes. They were scaring me to death… First of all, why would I want to put myself, or my life in a box? What if I wanted to tick all of them and learn everything that’s to be learned? So instead, I ticked none and went on my own life quest…
Growing up, my parents would look at me and wonder how the hell did I end up being such a big creative ball. Both my parents are super smart, rational people, my mom works in finances and my dad in IT. Needless to say, I do not come from money and everything we had, we had to earn it big times. So all of a sudden they have this little blonde thing running around in the living room, painting, dancing, singing, wrapping herself around in the living room’s curtains… and having a word to say on everything. They would dream, like any good parent would, that I’d make a good living, have stability and of course be happy, because money + stable job usually means happiness and comfort in today’s society. But, unfortunately not for me… Because for me, it meant, missed opportunities, and spending years of my life “trapped” in a pretty box, a box where I couldn’t get out of and I couldn’t use my potential in it’s widest range.
When I opened Kayture, it was just as if I suddenly had wings. It was my voice and all of a sudden my life mattered. Why? Because I could share it, I could speak about things that inspired me, share my journey, talk about what I find beautiful, open conversations with people around the world, invite them on an introspection and actually make an impact. However, I never took my blog as the finality of what I wanted to do. Never did I think that I wanted to be a “blogger”, and put myself in that box. To me having a blog was the most free-ing thing I could do, it was my diary to talk about things I loved and do things I loved while sharing the journey. And yet all of a sudden, I felt like I was trapped. I was a blogger and any attempt to do something different, to try something new resumed in comments such as “stick to what you’re good at… a.k.a being a fashion blogger”.
As the years went by, I’ve had the opportunity to create, try and do so many different things thanks to the opportunities the blog brought me. It was my canvas for expression. And yet, I was growing up as a human being, and new interest came in. I became more interested in sociology, psychology and took a lot of time to study it on the side, just for my personal interest. There’s nothing that fascinated me more than being able to understand human’s contradictions. Because we do contradict ourselves a lot, don’t we? Since the beginning of society, we fight against each other… often for quite egocentric reasons. Wars, conflicts, such cruelty has been aroused throughout history because of our human nature and our fear of what’s unknown, our will to name everything, to put everything in boxes, our fear of the abstract, our pride and our ego… Social pressure lead to conformism and to so many talents and potentials left silent.
To me, life is kind of like a video game… Take Zelda for example. You walk around, your abilities grow, suddenly you have new tools, new powers and you become a fuller, bigger character using the full percentage of your capacities. Why should we restrict ourselves to using only half of our talent’s ressources when we can do and achieve so much more? There is always room for improvement, yes, you can’t be great at everything, no (and no only because there’s physically not enough time to, but if there’s the will, I think one can learn a LOT) it’s important to take things step by step, indeed. But fact is, throughout life, throughout it’s different phases (and levels so to say) you’ll be evolving, such as your capacities. Zelda can’t keep playing with his little rocks all his life…
You guys might know where I am going… Of course, I am bringing this conversation up because I recently launched my music and needless to say it came with many critics. And I am so happy and open to take in criticism but what makes me mad and especially sad, is reading comments from people who assume that because I have some success with my blog, I shouldn’t be pursuing something that I am deeply passionate about, something that makes me so truly happy. Seing these comments scares me for the girl, or the boy who will read these comments from his little hometown like I could have had 5 years ago, and by fear of getting such hate one day, not do something they deeply love.
I wanted to tell you guys, that nothing will stop me from fighting for my passion, for creating melodies, for writing lyrics… It is my challenge also to proof that when there’s the will there’s the possibility. And I am not claiming anything, I know that the respect and the credibility is to be earned. But I am profoundly ready for it… Otherwise, I wouldn’t even embark on that kind of journey. It is more of a risk that could hurt my overall career. I am doing it, because I truly believe in it. Music has helped me go through so much in my life and I know that it does to so many others as well, that’s what makes it so special and one of the world’s most beautiful art forms. To me, being a performer, an artist means being able to use all these different colors such as fashion, videos, writing, telling stories, photography, the sharing process, the interaction, the make-up, to paint on one canvas, and create beautiful songs. And my blog, I will always keep it. Because it is my diary, from me to you, where I’ll always be honest.
Be kind to one another, and don’t let anything stop you from doing what you truly love.
gmail correo electronico
read your blog is open my mind
T'es un modèle et une source d'inspiration, c'est incroyable le courage que tu as à poursuivre tes rêves ! Continue comme ça. Sinon, j'ai beaucoup aimé ton single, j'ai cru que tu étais en duo tellement c'est dingue comme tu arrives à changer de voix !
interpretez Votre reve
Bonne apres midi;
http://www.tafsir-alahlam.com/interpretation-des-reves-en-islam/je tombe par hasard là sur votre site web et je constate qu'il est tres attirant en effet j'ai retenue plusieurs pratiques,
merci pour toutes ces informations bonne continuation.
you inspire me a lot!!!definitely i will pursue my deeply wishes...i truly belive that we can take everything step by step...love your ability to write such an amazing articles and about fashion i remain speechless!Congrats!!!!
even though i dont even know you, i'm so proud of you. your words seem so honest and i almost started crying when reading this post. you're just as old as i am and you achieved so much! dont ever let anyone or anything stop you! xx
She challenged norms by making the untraditional a new tradition. Join Nakayama as she shares her story of coming out after years of hiding behind the ...
Chaque mot de cet article a résonné en moi ! Je suis tellement heureuse et inspiré de voir que des gens comme toi osent faire ce qu'ils veulent sans avoir peur du jugement des autres et que tu vis pour toi avant tout et pas pour les autres ! Prendre la vie comme une aventure faite d'expérience qui nous font repousser nos limites et développer notre potentiel à chaque fois est exactement mon point de vue et je suis très heureuse de savoir que tu le partage !!! MERCI POUR CES GOOD VIBES
Je comprends très bien ce que tu dis, cette idée de ne pas vouloir suivre le chemin conventionnel et de se questionner sur ce que tu veux réellement, exploiter ton potentiel, t'exprimer... mais que ce serait-il passé pour toi si tu n'avais pas rencontré James ? Tu n'aurais peut être pas rencontré quelqu'un d'autre qui faisait de la photo et avec qui tu aurais lancé Kayture. Il y a beaucoup de circonstances heureuses et une immense part de chance dans ton histoire. Bien que la chance se crée et que je ne crois pas complètement au hasard... mais tout de même, cette rencontre je pense a écrit le début de ta carrière.
http://www.my-mixed-up-world.frA propos des commentaires qui te disent de "rester à ce que tu fais de mieux, à savoir être une blogueuse de mode ", cela peut dénoter d'un manque d'ouverture de la part des auteurs de ces remarques, mais, et j'ai l'impression que c'est souvent le cas, sur Instagram en particulier, cela peut aussi exprimer une réelle critique vis à vis de ce que tu crées et de ta musique, une sorte de critique déguisée qui serait en fait "je n'aime pas ce que tu fais dans la musique, j'aime ce que tu fais dans la mode par contre". Te dire de rester dans la mode n'est peut être pas une histoire de "case", c'est peut être juste une question de goût pour ce que tu fais...
Quand je vois des regards ou des messages haineux, je me demande pourquoi on ne peut pas se réjouir pour les autres. Ca me chaud au coeur de voir les personnes qui ont le sourire jusqu'aux oreilles, qui annoncent une réussite, qui partagenet des moments de bonheur. "Spread the love" comme tu dis. J'admire ton talent multidimensionnel, ton acharnement et ton optimisme qui t'ouvrent les portes de tous les possibles. Regarde tout ce que t'as accompli, tu es superbe! Si tu es devenue chanteuse, c'est grâce à ta motivation et ta nécessité de libérer tes émotions. Beaucoup de gens sous-estiment la quantité de travail qu'il y a derrière une seule chanson, ils imaginent que tu vas l'enregisterer le matin et le soir même on l'écoute sur spotify. Alors que "OUT" est le fruit de plusieurs années qui ont nourri tes pensées. Je te félicite d'avoir réussi à les mettre sur le papier ainsi qu'à les crier à tes amis et tes fans! Ne t'arrêtes jamais ;)
It is on repeat! I hope you will keep singing - you are so inspiring in every way!
Stylist at The Jewellery Republic | http://hvi.sk/r/4wP6
Catch Your Dream
What Can I say about this ?
I think you're the only famous blogger who wrote like this I think, like your book it's always a pleasure to read you.
Shoot are amazing and you're so beautiful !
About this song I love it, since the day is out :) I hope it's the beginning of success for you and I can't wait to see music video.
Dear Kristina,
reading your text nearly made me cry. I have tears in my eyes as you really speak out of my most inner self.
I was going through the same things back in high school but wasn't as courageous to not pick one of these boxes. I picked one and since then am studying for 5 years. I am still not 100% sure that it was the right thing to do.
I am such creative person as well and as for your family mine isn't either and so no-one in my family did unterstand what I was and still am going through.
Right now I am in my last year of medical school and everyone in there thinks of me as a mad person because my actual goal is to live of my blog one day and pursue what I want to do which is writing!
Even though it might be a dead end, we have to pursue everything we love to at least say we tried!
I support you in any way, my dear! I am following your blog since 2011 and reading nearly every single one of your articles. And the crazy thing is that it really helped me "grow-up" !
Always keep on doing what you love and don't listen to any negativity! There are some of us out here that you inspired so much which is worth more than anything!!
Thank you Kristina for believing in your dreams it makes me believe in mine!
xx Nicola
Love you, true inspiration, so happy for you!
If you have the time you should read the book "chapter one" by Daniel Flynn. It tells the story of how they developed their social enterprise "Thankyou" which is a company that sells bottled water and 100% of profits go towards helping people in the developing world have access to safe water. Sounds fantastic right ? Yet in their book there is numerous examples of how much crap/hatred/shit they had to deal with to come as far as they have. Haters are going to hate. Remember adversity prepares ordinary people for extraodinary destinies. Stay focused, stay hungry.
Loved this look!
Your song is amazing !! Keep doing what you love because you're really great for doing that ! :)
http://mardictyle.wix.com/mardictyleI'm a big fan.
Beaucoup d'amour !! <3
I think that its safe to say that the people who are being negative towards your success are the people who are jealous of the fact that you have the ability to not only sing, but create a beautiful blog and this is threatening to other people! You inspired me to start my blog as you have probably inspired many others, in the same way that I am sure you have also inspired people to start singing!
http://evebellish.blogspot.co.ukThankyou so much, I always look forward to reading your posts and hearing your music :)
Evie xx
Keep on singing your song, girl!
Amazing text and photos! <3
Lots of love,
Christine | www.vogueuplikethis.com
Congrats on launching a music career! I think what you're doing is awesome! It's sad to hear that people can be so negative to others. That kind of negativity in life is really sad. I always tell people the same thing - work hard, chase your dreams and have no regrets! It's a great message & I'm sure you'll continue to do amazing things and inspire others!
Beautiful photos! you look great :D
Vale Rousse
Eres una gran inspiración kristina!!, continúa con tu gran trabajo <3.
Word! Love the post and the photos, so interesting!
http://www.stellaurus.comNina Sax
Yes of course everyone at some point asks himself those question. And that probably explains why a lot of people in switzerland for example start one university. Then they change because they don't like it, or because they failed. and it takes them some time to find the right one. But then don't forget one thing : not everyone can really do what the want. If someone fails in a university where they wanted to go to be able to do their dream job, what can they do ? resign ? tell themselves "oh it probably wasn't for me". What if it was, and the system just don't choose the candidates correctly ?
And then, not every girl can become a succesful blogger like you. It's maybe one in 100'000 instagrammers or girls or blogs who can do that. Yet I'm sure it is a DREAM of so much more girls and boys....
So should you still tell them to pursue their dream of blogging ?
Maybe not.
Then some people "fit in a little box" of a chosen university, like you say, and yes it is hard work, yes it's money to spend because you have to work if you are not lucky enough to have your parents pay for it. But then you can find a job and do something that you really like.
For some people it's also that . Don't forget that. Don't say that everyone should just do whatever they want and not go to college.
Or maybe you should do counseling psychology if you think you are so good at it ?
Filipa Jackson
Thank you so much for sharing, it allowed us to get to know you a little better. You are truly an inspiration, your making your dreams a reality. Go girl!
Filipa xxx
PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram
Maria Geronico
You are becoming the next phenomenon baby!!!
The Row opens a House of Luxury in NYC || Discover in my latest post the retail dream from Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen.
What a beautiful post Kristina, you're so inspiring! I'm so happy for you to have released your first single, and it sounds incredible, so congratulations!!
Faye .x
New Blog Post: The Vogue 100 Festival: http://www.fayeisabella.co.uk/2016/05/the-vogue-100-festival.html
Comme tous tes articles, celui-ci est superbement bien écrit. Mais aujourd'hui il m'a encore plus touché que d'habitude. Ce que tu dis est tellement vrai et important, les personnes qui ont pris le temps de lire ceci te comprennent et, je pense, te soutiendront toujours dans tes projet, du moment que tu es heureuse. Ne pas s'enfermer dans des domaines est vraiment compliqué au moment des études et ton parcours est remarquable, tu as eu un courage énorme d'assumer qui tu pensais vraiment être, a un âge ou c'est dur d'avoir confiance en soi.. Merci de m'apporter autant d'inspiration, d'ondes positives, de motivation et de confiance en moi au quotidien.. Le monde a besoin de personnes comme toi pour nous rappeler à quel point être nous mêmes est primordial. "Out" est vraiment une réussite selon moi, la chanson est sublime, tout comme ta voix, et cela prouve à quel point faire ce qu'on aime sera toujours quelque chose de bien fait.. "Do things with passion or not at all".
Tu peux être extrêmement fière de toi, ton livre m'avait déjà énormément marqué et cet article egalemement, tu es réellement une source d'inspiration énorme pour moi. Bonne continuation, continue à faire ce que tu aimes. Gros bisous xx
Ce que tu écris dans ce texte me fais penser aux questions que je me pose chaque jour. A la fin du lycée un choix s'est imposer à moi : faire des études longues qui me mèneraient sûrement vers un travail respectable comme l'attendent mes parent ou suivre mon instinct et risquer de me diriger vers ce dont j'ai toujours rêvé mais qui ne semblait pas être écrit pour moi : la mode qui représente pour moi un art à par entière. J'ai fait le choix de la raison et chaque jour je me demande si c'est le bon sans trop y croire. Vivre de sa passion semble un rêve, je te souhaite de vivre le tiens à fond quoiqu'il arrive et quoique les autres en disent.
You are always just so inspiring! Blogging, or any passion, can become a success for anyone with the drive to do it. Sometimes things don't make sense, but that is the beauty of following you dreams!
Amazing photos!
Ah oui et ! J'ai vu un commentaire qui en parlait, j'ai beaucoup aimé les snaps où tu as parlé un peu de cet article, où tu parlais des gens qui rabaissent les autres. On a l'habitude de te voir sauter dans tous les sens, rigoler, faire la fofolle et là une Kristina toute sérieuse qui aborde un sujet important et touchant. Comme d'autres personnes l'ont dit, la plupart de ceux qui critiquent sont je pense des personnes jalouses de ta réussite. Helas aujourd'hui, au lieu de se réjouir de quelqu'un qui réalise ses rêves, on le dénigre et l'attaque injustement. Internet a apporté beaucoup de bonnes choses et de nouveautés, mais l'anonymat que donne l'écran, permet à certains de critiquer et dire des méchancetés tellement plus facilement qu'a l'oral devant la personne. Et les filles entre elles sont encore plus dures. Mais ce n'est rien d'autre que de l'envie et de la jalousie.
Que dire de cet article !!!
C'est EXACTEMENT le genre d’article que j'aime te lire. C'est toi, tes pensées, tes sentiments. Et tes mots me font à chaque fois me questionner, me faire faire un point sur ma vie, sur mes envies. Tu as presque 10 ans de moins que moi et pourtant, tu es un véritable modèle et une vraie source d'inspiration.
J'aime ta façon de voir les choses, le fait de vouloir faire ce que tu aimes, de suivre ton instinct même si tes choix peuvent paraître peu conventionnels. Avant de découvrir Kayture et de te découvrir sur Instagram, je ne connaissais pas du tout le monde des blogueurs et "influenceurs" et ne pensait pas que d'une passion on pouvait en faire un métier sortant de l'ordinaire, des métiers que tout le monde connait.
Après mon BAC, pour moi le cheminement logique était la FAC, avoir ses diplômes, obtenir un emploi fixe. Et c'est ce que j'ai fait. Mais quand je te vois, travailler avec passion, évoluer autour des choses qui te tiennent le plus à cœur, ça me donne tellement envie de faire de même. Ou déjà de tout simplement oser. On est tellement formatés qu'on ne sait pas regarder ailleurs, sortir des chemins déjà tracés. Je pense qu'il faut beaucoup de courage pour le faire et je t'admire pour ça. Pour donner le meilleur de toi, probablement de nuits et des jours pour réaliser tes rêves et en vivre.
Après tout, on a qu'une seule vie, ça peut paraître bateau comme réflexion, mais quand on en prend vraiment conscience, on peut se demander pourquoi alors ne pas se donner les moyens de faire qu'elle soit la plus belle possible, et pourquoi s'engluer dans un schéma pré-défini par la société si ce même schéma ne nous convient pas ? Je vais m'arrêter là parce que je pourrai écrire des pages entières. Mais merci Kristina de continuer, même après des années et malgré ton jeune âge, à m'ouvrir les yeux et à me donner envie de changer ma vie.
Daniela Laverde
I have to say I listen to your single and didn't love it. It wasn't my kind of music. I did however downloaded it. Because I have been reading this blog for a really long time. And you have always had it in your thoughts to become a singer, I wanted to do my bit to help that dream. Who cares if I didn't like it? You did it and you need to feel proud. Some people love it and that is all that matters. As long as you are proud of it and happy with it others opinions become background. Congratulations Kristina, this was your biggest dream and you are going for it, what else can you ask for?
Proud of you Kristina!
https://tbymallano.wordpress.com/Can't wait to see whats coming next.
What else could I add? I am one of those people who had a chance to actually meet you twice, and all I can say is that it doesn't happen every day to meet a "celebrity" who treats her fans with love and respect and actually takes the time to care about them. It says a lot of what kind of good person you are, believe me. So, after years of chasing a dream, you finally made it: I have seen, like all of us, the excitement and the anticipation you felt, and I have shared your joy when your single made it to the big world out there.
A world that is obviously not always capable of accepting that a good person, who commits herself with passion to what she loves to do can actually bring her dreams to life. Ripe with envy and jealousy, some little people who are probably frustrated for wasting who knows how many opportunities in their life, have come to attack you, because, perhaps, you force them to witness and admit their failure.
Nonetheless you are totally right on everything you said here. I tell you what: my girlfriend and I also are chasing our own dreams, and believe me Kristina, I tell you this with total sincerity like I would say it to an old friend (in a way, perhaps, you are a friend of us all after all)... we are inspired by you in unimaginable ways. I love writing, and while my first novel was turned down, after years of following your path to success, I have returned to writing. Why? Because you are a living proof that if you really want something, you can have it. You have a talent for fashion, makeup, color matching, that I haven't seen so much in other people: but you have something that counts more. Passion and love for sharing with us.
I think I can speak in the name of most or all of us if I say THANK YOU Kristina, for the example you are setting for us.
Now do it for us: sing, dance, write, chase all your dreams, bring them to reality, and show us we also can do it.
We need your success to keep believing this world is still a good place. Do it for yourself and do it for us all. Believe me, I trust the world is a better place because there are people like you here.
Some constructive criticism can always be there and can be useful too, but do not listen to jealous people and don't let them take the joy from your heart. You deserve all your success and I hope all that you wish to do and to be will become true.
As long as you keep sharing your life with us, my girlfriend and I will love to follow it. You mean a lot to us. Really.
Good luck with everything Kristina. You deserve it.
Si jamais le nom du personnage principal dans Zelda est "Link", Zelda est la princesse qu'il a pour mission de sauver...
Je te recommande vivement de jouer à ce jeu, by the way !
Wow that was a great and genuine article. Very inspiring.
Congrats! What a great new single!
Characters & Carry-ons
Amazing photos!
http://evdaily.blogspot.comPERSONAL STYLE BLOG
You are damn right Kristina! Keep going and pursue your craziest dream :) You are so talented! I love your music xoxo All the best girl!
Such beautiful pictures! You go girl and get your dreams.
The photos are wonderful <3
Your snapchat pep talk moment brought me here <3 Everything you wrote resonates so strongly, compelling words and message, Kristina! It's easy to put people in boxes and categorize them with neat and tidy labels such as "blogger" or "doctor" or "singer" because it makes it easier to wrap our heads around the universe that is a person, to reduce their expanse into something we can deal with in the wake of all of the people, all the worlds we are surrounded with at any given moment. It's a convenience thing, I suppose, because how overwhelming it would be to remember the infinite potential and complexity of everyone around us! It would be too much to handle :) Someone else's view of us will always be a reduction, which is why it is so important to take your advice, and not let other people's opinions hold us back from growing and evolving, because only we can envision and dictate what we want to become.
http://princessaanastasiya.comxx Anastasiya
Ann Otton
I listen to this song on repeat ever since you released it. Really great job, Krisitna. You're truly an inspiring woman!
This was such an inspiring blog post! x
http://chapter-fifty-nine.blogspot.com/Vickee Yang
Kristina, you are so amazing!! You are an inspiration, and someone everyone needs to take notes from, not try to bring down. Keep doing you, & keep showing the world all of your incredible talents!! <3
It sounds like you have found it in your heart the meaning of real, pure joy and true success.
Keep living, keep creating and above all, keep listening to the Kristina inside. The answers are inside of you. They are inside of everyone of us. We just have to learn to listen to it.
You will do just fabulous.
With smiles,
I agree with you on the part on how the hate online might scare young people into pursuing their passion. For some reason, the title "blogger" comes with a negative connotation, and people have the idea that bloggers are only good at what they blog about. There is nothing wrong with your pursuing music. I am glad that you took the leap. I will be honest and say that I miss your old outfit posts. I remember being excited for your outfits and your photos, an excitement that slowly faded as you stopped posting because your career took a different path. But that doesn't mean that I stopped supporting you. On the contrary, I wish you would meet an even bigger success in the future and fulfill your dreams. Keep fighting! ^^
http://dilekaspires.blogspot.comMarta Sierra
You are an inspiration to all your readers to follow their dreams and I feel like everybody who is an inspiration is going to get some critics and rude comments.
But that's okay! Just keep doing what you are passionate about and thinking out of the box, that's what we all love about you!
This truly touched me on a very personal level. I come from a small town and my biggest dream and goal is to be an actress, to tell stories, to influence people's lives, but there's also many other things I want to learn and do and I won't allow anyone to put me in a box. Thank you for this, Kristina.
SH >>> http://www.shein.com/Global-0523-Collection-vc-4472.html?aff_id=2246
Jacky V.
Your such a stunner!!
My photography-blog: www.vifer-photography.blogspot.com
I'm happy for you to peruse music like I said in my other post, I loved the song and have listened to it so many times when I bought it. You definitely have talent there. My only worry was that you are stopping blogging, which I didn't think would be a good idea. We haven't seen any proper outfit posts from you in months, which I understand you are busy and it might not be your current passion anymore, but you have a lot of fans and readers here who adore you and want to see your outfits too so it would be good if you could include them still, during this transitional phase so it's not just a straight swap. The only reason people get upset is because they get used to something and there's a fear of it being taken away, so as long as you keep both mixed in (as you were lucky enough to have your blog let you do all these things) I don't think too many people will be upset. Adding things in is always good and well received, but taking them away isn't. Hope that helps clarify! Lorna.
My Dearest Kristina,
I've always been a big fan of yours since the first day you created your blog. I admire your passion, your wit & creative mind; but im mostly amazed of the positive vibes you surround yourself and share with others (your followers), even when you're having the most difficult time. I honestly believe that the mixed reviews is not surprising, especially, Having 2.3million followers from all over the globe, with highly diverse backgrounds-- as expected,this would get you different opinions, as everyone has different "type" of music.
Also, if you notice from others music artist, their page is always filled with constant bashing and harsh criticism. Not that I condone it, but it's nearly impossible to stop crazy people from giving unsolicited advice on social media, SADLY. The only way you can do, as most artists do, is ignore them... after a while you'll grow ticker skin.
I hope you don't let those negative comments discourage you; don't let anyone crush your spirit! And don't let the few bad comments outweigh the good ones... You should always focus energy on those who support and empower you--- your biggest fans. xx,
The Deco Haus
You look stunning! We love it!
Such great advice and amazing photos x
https://www.instagram.com/wonky_laurenjean-louis benoit
merci Kristina pour ce beau texte sur la réalisation de ton choix : chanter, écrire , faire la musique ,la transformer en chanson !!! je suis heureux que tu continues à écrire sur ton blog car pour moi c'est le seul moyen de te voir et communiquer avec toi ,ma passion , mon amitié , ma fée Kristina ! tu es la réalisation de mon rêve, partager le peu que j'ai avec toi !!! à bientôt mon Ange !!!!!
It is really inspiring to see your journey from the blond cute fashion blogger from Switzerland to this mature and sexy singer that you are now. To be honest I was really sceptical at first, but seeing you working your butt of and doing what you love regardless what other people are saying, makes you a role model our generation can just look up to.
Very beautiful and inspiring words Kristina! You can be so proud of what you have achieved and why not dream on?! Who says that you can only have and pursue one dream?! Be happy that you have many talents and make the most of it! As long as you stay with two feet on the ground and stay the amazing human being that you are, everything is good! Please keep up the amazing work and keep inspiring us!
Melange-Boutique Blog
Always marvelous and so unexpected, love so much this shooting
Melange-Boutique Blog || Instgram
http://melange-boutique.blogspot.com.es/Elizabeth T.
Truly an inspiring post, Kristina. I know you're a strong young woman who can withstand just about anything, but even the strongest can feel hurt by other's words and criticism. Don't give up on your dreams and keep following your heart because I think you're such an inspiration to all of us! :) I know you'll be able to do even greater things in the future, whether that's through the blog or music, because your creativity and your courage to express yourself really sets you apart from others! <3
XO, Elizabeth
So proud of you for following your dreams. It is a very brave choice to make. And, wow, these pictures are so amazing and sexy. Your breasts are so lovely and exciting, enjoyed so much ;) Kisses
All Things Bright and Lovely
http://downwithpants1969.blogspot.com/Kate Wilson
You look amazing and congratulations on your success. Don't let the haters bring you down x
Beautifully written. It's so important to follow your heart and work towards your dreams. You're incredibly inspiring.
Arum Lilea
http://arumlilea.comRapunzille Blog
Kristina I have been following you since your Lookbook days and may I just say you go girl
Not everyone has the courage to follow their dreams and you are so inspiring to myself and so many other people
Never stop being you
This might be the best article you ever written, all because you told us your story, the one we wanted to be told, so we know that we can relate and now we will feel better and be more motivated and sure of the choices we might choose ^^ Thanks Kristina :))
This could be one of the best articles you have written, all because you told us your story, the one that we wanted to be told, so we know that we can relate to. So now we will feel better and feel even more sure of what we might choose to do ^^ Thanks :))
Congratz for everything u've been done so far, all those opportunities would lead you into better person. IF...you, I, we can handle in the right way, and of course the passion it self.
Another way to come...^^
It is so crazy to think that so many people feel the need to comment on what someone else is doing especially something you are so passionate about. Screw those people who are unnecessarily rude. No one else is in control of your life except for you so don't let anyone else's opinion dictate your life. You've gotten yourself this far so who cares. These pictures are beautiful by the way! xo
http://thefashionlust.blogspot.comMaria | Looking Glass
Preach Kristina! The haters are the ones that are trapped inside their boxes. You are an inspiration for not caring about what cultural norms and society thinks and following your dreams. & I think your voice is lovely xx
Oh gosh. To think that we live in a world where people struggle to support and appreciate one another. I'll have you know...I LOVE Out. I belt it on my way to work every single morning to pick me up. What you've shared of your voice across social media in the past etc. has always been mesmerizing and I'm so happy to see you tackling another 'box'. Keep doing what you do! None of us are just one thing. Chase each and every one of your dreams :)
xoxo - Kelly
Looking good!
Your daily inspiration and motivation on www.letucc.com
Way to go for being strong inspite of adversary! Don't mind the haters.
- Seyra x
Si tu as un but, un objectif fait tout pour le réaliser, t'occupes pas de ce que les gens disent. Surtout qu'en majorité, les personnes qui parlent mal de toi, qui te critiquent ( dans le but de te rabaisser, te faire du mal) sont des gens qui veulent juste une réponse, que tu prennes de ton temps pour eux, avec l'anonymat, la protection que donne internet, les gens se permettent de tout, en face de toi, ils ne feront rien. Je n'ai pas 2 millions de followers, je peux pas savoir à quel point ça peut être blessant, mais franchement regarde le chemin que t'as parcouru, tu réalises tes rêves, tu travailles avec les plus grandes marques, tu vis de tes passions, t'occupes pas des gamines de 17 ans qui vont t'envoyer un tweet, un commentaire (rempli de jalousie) juste pour te blesser, sers toi-en ( au pire) comme motivation et avance. luv'
Well well well well written Kristina!!! I am with you, but wouldn't have said it so eloquently.
What is life all about if you do not go for your dreams ?! So keep on doing what you love.
x Gitta // www.gittawitzel.com
http://www.gittawitzel.comLily - Le Blog
Coucou Kristina.
Tu es toujours aussi belle peu importe l'article que tu postes. En effet, les photos sont toujours très bien prises et agréables à regarder.
Sache en tout cas que je suis suis fan de OUT et que je l'écoute très souvent.
Tu as bien raison de croire en tes rêves car tu es la preuve qu'ils peuvent se réaliser :)
Bisous et passe une bonne semaine,
Lily <3
Hello Kristina,
http://www.allybing.comLove your song and this post, the pictures are amazing.
Keep going :)
Great post! But.. I think that you meant Link instead of Zelda. You play Link in the Legend of Zelda games not Link.
beautiful words - haters, trolls....why can't we be kind to one another.....& be happy for one another...& inspire one another.....dreaming of a perfect world......
Tu as raison de croire en t'es rêves et de faire ce qui te plaît car ta musique est superbe et tu chantes tellement bien, j'ai commencé à te suivre depuis sur tes réseaux souciaux et sur ton blog et je sens que je vais t'adorer, et aussi, tu es vraiment magnifique, je te souhaite que du bonheur
Great post! Enjoyed reading this!
Wow, Kristina. What a heartfelt post. Not that this is any different from the rest of your posts because I feel like I know you so well. I'm not sorry that you received those comments because you're going to use those comments to fuel you even more so to do what you love!
What I don't understand is if people don't like what anyone else is doing, why comment? Why bring them down? It's a reflection of THEIR capabilities. That's all they can do because instead of going out to chase their dreams and live a passionate life INTENTIONALLY, it's easier to bring others down who are taking the very actions they should be taking. When you're comfortable with who you are and know for a fact that you still have people who support you instead of the few who don't, that's when the skies are limitless.
Do whatever your heart desires, Kristina! You only have one life and for someone who IS trapped in a box (for now), live the life I want: in complete freedom! xo
http://huongctvo.comKilly Vincent
love all the outcome of the pictures! http://www.haitianfashionista.com
http://www.haitianfashionista.com/Tom odero
You inspire a lot of people and i learn a lot from the various options you decide to take in life you are speaking the truth while saying that you should pursue your passion that is the mantra i live by, continue doing you we will always support you
Sandrine Mertins
<3 <3
Elena Holl
Oh my god you are soooo incredible beautiful! And the song is amazing!!! You have such an extraordinary voice!
I think a lot of the criticism comes from dissatisfaction with the music industry itself. It is so manufactured. It seems that anyone who is famous and who looks pretty can get a record deal. Also, all the famous pop stars end up sounding the same, singing about the same tired themes of romantic love/lust, going to the club, etc. There is no variety.
Amazing post! I believe in what you said. We can learn everything we want and not only what it's in the box. You can do as many as things you love! We are not married with one career. I support you Kris ! Xoxo from México
Wallace Yolicia
Congratulations for everything you have achieved since now. Loved reading your deep and sincere story
Luc Herbergs
Hi Kristina,
Indeed it is important do have fun in what you do, and to keep doing what you love. I think that sometimes people are scared to follow there passion, because they are not sure what it will bring to them. If I look to myself, I was scared to when I start to write about my passion, but after more than 1,5 years I found myself again.
You totally broke all the possible "rules" or predictiveness, etc... You are truly astonishing, inspiring and massively creative young woman! Only sky is the limit!
This is such an important thing! Even though I've got two years left of high school I can still relate and take it all in. Thank you for reminding me, you're an inspiration :)
Looks like you're on of the illuminati now... The V.. Your black outfits.. dark pictures, your alter ego.. Such a pity.. I liked the real Kristina Bazan. I hope your life will not be as dark as other puppets :(
I think that its safe to say that the people who are being negative towards your success are the people who are jealous of the fact that you have the ability to not only sing, but create a beautiful blog and this is threatening to other people! You inspired me to start my blog as you have probably inspired many others, in the same way that I am sure you have also inspired people to start singing!
http://evebellish.blogspot.co.ukThankyou so much, I always look forward to reading your posts and hearing your music :)
Evie xxx
I'm in love with your pics xx Great! x
https://darkroseberry.blogspot.comDark Roseberry
With Or Without Shoes
Keep following your dreams!
Stunning outfit.
Don't miss on the blog my Black&White Urban-Chic outfit with a masculine touch...and wearing my Italian loafers for the first time. Pure comfort! ;)
❤ Kisses from www.withorwithoutshoes.com ❤