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What a special couple of days it was… Please excuse my lack of updates on the blog. The meaning of “crazy” just took a completely new dimension lately as we were back in Los Angeles. Not only our days were jam packed with meetings, recording sessions, classes, but so many incredible things just kept happening on and on, keeping my mind completely focused in the moment. I knew that I’d have so much to tell you once I am back! It was definitely worth waiting. I met so many talented producers these past few days, hanged out with incredibly talented artists, musicians, singers, actors… Experienced what a paparazzi situation actually feels like and well just lived the La La Land life to the fullest as some would say.

Things were happening so quickly that I started questioning how I could bring you on all of this and so I started a few new social media platforms, some that I had in the past already like my Twitter (@kayture) account that I now update very often with quotes, experiences, funny pictures, or my Vine account that I re-started from scratch (Kristina Bazan)  with loads of… music related content! Snapchat (@kristina_bazan) is where you guys can really follow my day to day life, as if we were right next to each other (with a lot of very stupid videos…). So I am always close. I just want to make sure that when I write on the blog, I have a couple of hours in front of me to actually, really write. Not just throw a couple of meaningless lines out there. Kayture is my baby, and I feed it only with the best content I have. So if it means waiting a couple of days until I know that the moment is right, then I think it’s really worth it. And meanwhile, I am never too far, just grab your phone and come say hi on Twitter (I am like a crazy person, re-twitting and favoring all my favorite messages… because you guys are the BEST!).

I’ve been coming to California for a while now, but this has been by far one of our craziest stays ever with so much adrenaline and so many new “flavors”, if we can put it that way. As I woke up yesterday morning, I couldn’t believe that it was officially… Kayture’s 4 birthday!!! How absolutely insane is it? I still can’t believe that time flew by so quickly and that so much happened. Looking back at it gives me goosebumps. There wasn’t one single thing that we haven’t worked our heart out for to achieve and there are still so many goals and dreams to pursue : our eyes are wide open and we are ready to embrace each and every single day with all our love and passion. I’ve shared a lot of my feelings in regards to 2014 with you in my New Year’s Eve article and your feedback just blew me away. Your support and loyalty keeps blowing my mind everyday and I guess my biggest goal this year is to give it back to you even more.

Kayture’s birthday means a celebration for all of us, the whole Kayteam as well as ALL of you guys, incredible readers who give life to the content. Without  you, nothing would be possible. So to me it’s kind of like your birthday too… Some of you have been following the blog since the very beginning, some just started but created fan clubs, send me each week drawings, quotes, pictures, collages, some comment on every picture, some send gifts… There’s so much love going on! You guys have made me live the most crazy couple of years of my life. And well… I want to give you back some of that craziness.

I decided to pick 5 readers, that I’ve kept noticing for a long time now, who have been commenting each article, picture on social media, that had our back in rough moments, that created the Kayture fan pages and showed so much kindness throughout the years to send them personalized gifts, with tons of hand picked gifts and a HUGE letter of thank you. The packages will be sent out to them today as I speak and I can’t wait for them to receive it!!! I wish I could send one to each of you! Keep writing guys, we have our eyes and ears open and we want to get to know you all better. Thank you SO much for being part of this incredible adventure. From the bottom of my heart, I send you all my love.

Happy Birthday Kayture!!!

Don’t forget to share the Love by using the #KAYTUREturns4

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