Next StoryPrevious Storyshanghaï — 28.05.14

Tea time at the yu garden in shanghai

While in China, it was an absolute must for us to visit the Yu Garden, a place we’ve heard so much about and googled to find the most extraordinary images. In reality, the place was even more breathtaking… As James and I were looking for a more traditional feeling of the city and get down to the “roots” in some sorts of the culture, it felt like heading there for a tea ceremony was already a good start to get to know Shanghai better.

After enjoying a long walk with some friends, we finally reached the heart of the garden where we found ourselves standing in front of the most gorgeous view ever : the temples rising from the water with their bold red colors. Now that’s what I am talking about! I was so excited to explore the area and get a real feel out of this mystical yet so fascinating ambiance. So many stories were told and anecdotes about this place, a great example is how the path to the temple isn’t just straight but in a sort of criss cross. Well that’s because it is believed that bad spirits can go only straight! That way they’ll never be able to enter the temple. Clever isn’t it?

For a while, I had to wander around by myself, just gazing at people, observing the colorful fishes having a little swim, and feeling fulfilled with that rush of positive energy. It was time to head to our little tea party. Just on the other side of the temple stood the tea house. We sat in our cute little booth and ordered different flavors to enjoy. When they came out in their transparent teapots, we all wondered what was that strange thing floating in our tea? Turns out, after a minute or so, a flower opened up to reveal a fresh flavor and add a special touch to the water. Fancy tea, I’m telling you.

We even had the chance to be served some treats, mochis, steamed tofu and all sorts of other delicacies. I wasn’t feeling that hungry but James had the pleasure to try all (ALL) of them.  For that occasion, my outfit was simple : some white denim trousers from Rag & Bone, a comfy Nations gray sweater, little tweed jacket and a Chanel bag to carry some treasures found during this awesome journey. If you guys are ever in Shanghai, it’s an experience I highly suggest. You’ll keep great memories of it :)



TOP : Nations(or Similar Here)

JACKET : Zara (Similar Here)

TROUSERS : Rag & Bone (or Similare Here)

WATCH : Omega

BAG : Chanel 

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