Next StoryPrevious Story 20.07.12

In ouchy

Pictures by James Vyn

ICE CREAMS AND SWANS Spending the day by the lake is for me the symbol that summer is definitely among us, and it feels so good after the endless winter we had this year! Finally I can get a little bit of colour on my skin and enjoy the gorgeous weather and the beautiful sun. We were a couple of days ago with James in Ouchy, a lovely little town in Lausanne by the border of the lake. I wouldn’t say that it is as cute as Montreux, but still Ouchy is one of my favourite places to have a walk and enjoy a little dinner with an incredible view. Also, for the cultural folks out there : the Olympic Museum is in Ouchy, so if one day you decide to visit the place don’t forget to have a look at it. You will love it. After spending the whole afternoon walking and enjoying our bare legs, we went for a delicious supper at one of my favourite Italian restaurants, L’Accademia. Too good. Also a tip if you have one day the opportunity to try it out, please take a coffee after your dinner, they bring the most delicious snacks ever called “Dai Dai”, these are little chocolates cubes with frozen vanilla ice cream inside. Oh, and don’t hesitate to ask at least ten coffees, espressos or cappuccinos that way you’re sure to have at least ten of them (advice from a sugarholic).

Now, with this shirt I couldn’t avoid remarks on the street such as “Uh you’re wearing alluminium on your back owr whaeut”, yep some people are pretty conservative. Anyways, I enjoyed my outfit, it was so comfortable and perfect for this little day out. I matched this Lavish Alice silver crop top to some crochet shorts, a vintage bag and my beloved mango sunnies. Also I combined some silver jewerly to match the shirt, both of the bracelets are from H&M, I simply love their jewerly. So unexpensive and stylish. I wish you all guys a lovely week-end! See you on monday or even sooner on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

SHIRT : Lavish Alice
SHORTS : Goodnight Macaroon
HEELS : Zara
BAG : Vintage

Place du Port 11  1006 Lausanne
021 613 34 34
P.S Don’t forget to ask for the Dai Dai!
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