Questions & answers
VIDEO TIMEYou can’t even imagine how strange it was to make this video, it was the first time that I was filming myself at home with my camera, speaking with myself (what a weirdo). But I hope you’ll enjoy the work. And of course sorry for the mistakes I make sometimes, my english gets a little difficult sometimes. But hopefully you’ll understand what I mean. So I thought that it would be a good idea to answer to all of the questions you’ve been asking me for such a long time, about my age, my participation at the miss switzerland contest.., about James or even about my mensurations. The video is quite long, that is why I had to cut it into two parts. I hope you’ll enjoy it folks and if you have any questions left : feel free to leave it in this post and I’ll try to answer to them.
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I'm impressed! You're such a nice person and such an intelligent woman, definitely, you are my inspiration! I wouldn't imagine that behind that beautiful face, it was hiding such a wise person. Lots of love. ?? ?? 2014
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L'ensemƄle des posts sont vraiment instructifs
Je vais finir de voir tout cela dans la semaine
I cannot thank you enough for the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.
http://eogli.orgAdiestia Clara
Oh God.. You're totally inspiring me and thank you for being my inspiration or even new motivation.. I really hope we can meet someday, and I will try so hard to get into fashion industry :)) Clara
So, so beautiful
Coold video Kay
Hi Kristina, the videos are great, thank you.
One question, this skirt from ZARA is it from the current collection or from before? Thanks! :)
Светлана Рен
Your Russian is awesome! But English accent puts a mark on your pronunciation, what makes your speech more lovely!Валентина Кузьмін
Do you earn money? How? Nguyen
do you really really like really read all the comments? I BELIEVE you,that's so sweet <3 and i like how you speak those languages,amazing!!!
Очень понравились видео! Ты очень красивая, милая и приятная девушка! Большое спасибо! Ты меня вдохновляешь!
Яна, Украина.
Hahaa c'était dingue de t'entendre parler français, je m'y attendais pas du tout, on a trop l'habitude d'entendre tout en anglais! Je suis aussi née en 1993 et je dois dire que je t'aurais vraiment donné beaucoup plus!
Bonne continuation,
Love from belgium ;)
Your English is actually great ! I live in Ireland so I am fluent in English and believe me when I say you have a better vocabulary than some people I know! I really admire your style, and you seem like a lovely person both inside and out :)
Большой привет Вам, Кристина, из России и Украины. Очень впечатлил тот факт, что вы так хорошо разговариваете на 4 языках, основных языках мира. Многие люди из моей страны читают ваш блог. Поэтому хочу сказать огромное спасибо за полезные советы. Продолжайте в том же духе.
If you have a little problems with a translation (it can be a good practise for your Russion):
Warm greetings to you, Christine, from Russia and Ukraine. Very impressed with the fact that you speak so well in 4 languages, the major world languages. Many people from my country are reading your blog. So I want to say a huge thank you for the helpful advices. Keep up the good work.
Can you tell us about your amazing hair?
stylishly chic
You are too cute! :) Great video, its not strange at all. And you have a wonderful blog :) Paige - Love Raige
I just discovered your blog from I am so inspired and impressed with your healthy way of looking at food and your body! It's sickening how skinny the fashion icons have become. You should be proud to be a healthy role model. I hope you never buckle under the pressures of the fashion industry, or the peers around you to get too skinny. I have been pinning pictures of you to promote good health. Many girl in my peer group suffer from various eating disorders. I love your taste and am very happy to have stumbled upon your blog. I loved your efforts in English! I also understand your French. I live in Montreal!
I think that you're some kind of hard-working person as you answer all of this questions, you read all the comments, you make a speciall post for the questions...
In my opinion you're English and French are excellent, believe me. (I can't say the same for the German or Russian because I don't understand them... sorry!)
Have you ever tried to learn Spanish? Have you ever visited Barcelona?
I think that it's a fantastic city, but well, because it's my city, of course!!
Waiting for your answers :)
Привет, небольшая практика))) у тебя замечательные волосы, как ты за ними ухаживаешь? И мне интересно ты подводишь брови?
Charity Lipham
You are so sweet and you sound so mature!
отличный русский! ты умница!
Great to know more about you! I think it's amazing that you are multi-lingual. Studies have shown that bilingualism make people smarter! Hehe.
thank you for talking about weight and how it doesn't matter. i love the videos thank you! Golightly
Wooow, you speak russian! That is gorgeous :D I had no idea that you was born in Minsk! You also remind me someone, Rachel Bilson maybe, by your expression:) I love your blog and admire the wonderful style you have, even though we are basically the same age and I must say noone around me have such a magical style:) Have a nice day!'s Style File
I watched both of these just now- you are a delight! You have such a great attitude and approach to life, you an amazing role model for young folk. I love you blog even more now!!
You seem to be a really nice and honest girl. I just discovered your blog & I love your style !
I have a another question for you : Since you dress a little more 'fancy' do you actually wear these outfits to school? Or only on your blog and stuff. whenever I dress a little 'nicer' everybody is just staring :S and I wonder how you manage that.
And do you wear foundation? If yes, what brand?
Your english is greatï
Je suis contente que tu parles français car mon anglais n'est pas encore très au point ! ^^ tu dis ta taille tu veux dire 1m73 ? ou j'ai mal compris ^^
Tu m'inspires beaucoup, je trouve ton blog génial ! Ça fait un moment que j'ai envie de me lancer mais j'appréhende que ça n'intéresse personne ! Aurais-tu des conseils ?
Continues ! Je te suis assidûment ! =)
Ich wusste gar nicht, dass du russisch sprichst, mein Kompliment, dafür dass du nicht in Russland bzw. Weißrussland lebst, sondern in Amerika und nun in der Schweiz - Respekt, du sprichst toll russisch!!
Ich finde es toll wie du französisch sprichst und englisch vor allem!
*will auch
j'ai pas très bien compris où tu avais vécu et quelles études faisais-tu.
jolie vidéo, tu as beaucoup de classe et tu maitrises vraiment bien toutes ces langues!!
Je me demandais juste... ils font quoi comme métier tes parents? Parce que tu parles plusieurs langues, tu voyages beaucoup, etc.
Et sinon, tu as des frères et soeurs?
Voilà :)
Говорить на нескольких языках может не каждый, удивительно, что ты ещё и русский знаешь) читая твой блог, никогда не думала что ты очень умная, мне просто нравились твои фотографии и посты. Посмотрев видео, я поняла, что ты очень многого добилась уже в свои 18 лет, мне сейчас тоже 18, и я поняла, что мне есть к чему стремится. Thank you for your blog, I love it!
after this, i like you even more. I always wondered if you might be conceited and arrogant, but you actually have such a sweet and pleasant nature!
big thumbs up from germany, you have a beautiful voice!
Just respect for russian!
Kristina i was amazed when I new you speak russian, I thought you are swedish! So now I know why your face features seem so familiar to me! Your french is perfection! Russian people live all over the world, as I lived in Tokyo, now I live in USA! I admire your French and German, I speak Russian Ukranian, English, Japanese and French, for me you are an example of refined taste, best of all to you! By the way it would be interesed to know who gave you that name? Sounds pretty and popular in Russia as well!
C'est une superbe idée d'avoir fait de toutes ces questions une vidéo! anglais est vraiment génial, pour quelqu'un qui parle français naturellement, je le trouve excellent!
Je voulais aussi te remercier pour le point abordé sur les problèmes de peaux, et ton conseil sur le programme trois temps de Clinique. Il a l'air vraiment intéressant mais à cause du prix, j'ai tendance à avoir des résistances quand à l'acheter, mais le fait de savoir qu'il a pu arranger les problèmes de peaux de certaines me rassure, je vais y songer plus sérieusement :)!
Je voulais aussi te dire que ton corps est magnifique, tu as vraiment de belles mensurations sans pour autant paraître trop maigre comme certaines blogueuses, et j'imagine que le fait d'avoir pratiquer le ballet pendant tant d'années y est pour beaucoup!
Ton style est vraiment intéressant, il m'encourage à me démarquer des autres grâce à la mode et à être plus originale, ce que je n'ai pas toujours fait, surement par manque d'audace.
Je voulais également te dire que tu portes toujours du rouge à lèvres impeccablement mis, et j'adore les couleurs que tu portes (je sais que tu as fait un article sur tout ceux que tu possèdes d'ailleurs).
Bonne continuation !
Спасибо, Кристина, за такие замечательные видео! Было очень здорово узнать о тебе больше как о личности) Каким сюрпризом для меня было что ты умеешь говорить по-русски! Это так здорово!Желаю тебе и твоему блогу процветания, очень люблю Kayture.
Привет из России и Финляндии!
Bonjour Kristina !!!
je ne sais pas si tu auras le temps de lire tous tes commentaires, parce-que là il y en a vraiment beaucoup !!
je suis une blogueuse française et sache que je viens chaque jour voir tes articles, même si je ne commente pas. Tu es une inspiration pour moi, car tu portes tout ce que je n'oserais pas porter, des couleurs vives, des talons vraiment hauts. Je fais plutôt dans la douceur et je rêverais de me lâcher un peu plus !
Bref, c'était un plaisir de t'entendre parler en français. Je suis d'accord avec toi par rapport aux vêtements, plus notre blog grandit et moins on en achète !! Et il y a toujours des moyens pour les payer moins cher.
Bref, merci pour ces vidéos, c'est très sympa de te connaître un peu plus. Merci de nous faire rêver avec tes si belles tenues et bonne soirée !!!!
http://[email protected]
i am so sorry to say that to you, cause i watch your blog since a very long time and i would never had sayed that you are so arrogant! sorry but you speak and you behave so arrogant, that is so bad :( especially for your age! might have been better if you perhaps would have stayed by posting personal things of your life like in teenage ages,, thant to fly up so high today!
You're lovely. Thank you for sharing your advices. P
It was very interesting!!!! Thanks)
xoxo Iren
Style Savvy Chic
I appreciate your honesty and admire that you are well accomplished in terms of speaking different languages.
Kristina,you made such a good video.Thank you.I was shoked you know Russian.
I want to ask if you an open person?I mean if it's easy to meet you and to talk?And how do you spend your free time?
I'm looking forward for your answers.Wish you luck :)
you're french and russian are so good! you amaze me! You should do more videos sweetie, may be more make up tutorials? for answer so clearly about how do you afford your clothing, i thought you need a big budget for it. And is good to know you feel comfortable with your skin, 'cos you're gorgeous! don't like skinny bloggers, they look sick and tired, instead you look so alive and vibrant hun!!!
lovely video! it´s so great that you answer everything and you talk so much to your readers..that´s nice :)
and your english is really really good ;)
With your shining beauty you have lighten up my day! Прелестный блог! Merci bien!:)
Great video - it's nice to hear you speak (and you have amazing English)! Very impressed by all the languages you speak, I didn't realise you were such a linguist! :) Keep up the great work, your blog is an inspiration :)
Why did your parent move back to Europe?éphanie
Je suis contente de savoir que tu parles français ! j'habite à Québec (canada) et je suis ton blog tous les jours ! Je suis une passionnée de mode moi aussi alors je trouve ça très inspirant de voir la tendance en europe (qui est toujours un peu à l'avance de nous en Amérique)
Je suis contente de savoir que tu parles français. je suis québécoise et je suis ton blog tous les jours. Bisou J.
I totally loved the video, you are such a language talent:-) I also live in switzerland and its very nice to see someone from Switzerland who is seriously interested in fashion and has got some real style...
You are more than adorable. <3 I have a girl crush on you hahaha. I also wore highheels in highschool. Don't they suit each other: HIGHheels and HIGHschool?! Just kidding.
Est-ce que ton aisance devant l'appareil photo est venue spontanément ou est-ce que petit à petit tu as réussi à adopter une allure naturelle ? :)
Girls, I think KAYTURE means Couture ;)
You're russian is pretty good! I'm from russian as well though I live with my parents in germany now. just ADORE your shirt! But i have no luck finding it! :(
Kak priatno slishati shto ti i russkii iazik znaesh!! Oceni klassna! Umnitsa:) Perry
Hey! I am surprised that you speak Russian! I think if we had talked , we would have understood each other , in some parts , beacuse I speak Polish and some words are very similar. ;)
Great video, you're amazing! Greetings from Poland ! ;)
Well, I don't have any questions, I just wanted to thank you for letting us into your world and mind and answering all the questions. I also speak a couple of languages and one of them is Russian, it was so fan to listen how you switch them! I feel the same about my boyfriend, who also takes pictures in my blog, it's a great support! I wish you all the best, great job!!!
Ocean Wind
After this video я могу что то написать на русском, очень удивилась что ты знаешь русский, конечно у тебя есть такой сладкий акцент, но говоришь ты потрясающе, Привет из Алматы. Good Job.
I love that your pale but yet so stunning.
I'm a british citizen living in Cape Town South Africa where the majority are sun worshippers.
I go brown but have to avoid the sun because of my moles.
It's great to see that you can be pale and still be beautiful.
Besides, in ten years time we'll look our age when the rest will look twice as old ;)
How did you get into the Miss Suiss contest? Was it an audition or how did in work?
Lucie Srbová
You seriously are one of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I cant believe I found your blog yesterday and not long time ago. you are such an inspiration. Following you:)
Kisses, Lucy! Rivel
Hi Hun,
I have featured you in my latest style inspiration post as I love your blog and follow you on chictopia too.
Please let me know if this is a problem and if you want me to take down your pic and I shall.
Thank you and have a lovely week. Bazan
Hey Kristina your a real beauty and i love your blog...I got a question too, how do you deal with jelaousy? I mean your a beauty and you have this impressiv blog that is known all over the for sure you can also feel jealousy? How you deal with it?
Hm, I hope people aren't jalous. Everybody has the potential to start a blog, meaning that everybody has something to share. If it is not fashion then maybe it's cooking or litterature. So I don't quite understand jealousy. I actually would like to encourage people to go ahead and do want they love to do instead of craving about what the others have :) Bazan
I know this is a strange question but do you have any phobias or fears?
I am affraid of the heights, terrible vertigo. Bazan
As-tu été dans ton enfance ou ton adolescence incomprise ou moquée au niveau de ton look car tu te démarquais, et si oui est-ce une belle revanche que tu prends aujourd'hui ? Et quel est le regard de tes camarades de lycée sur ton blog/look, sont-ils au courant (je suppose que oui) ?
J'ai parfois été vite jugée a cause de mon apparence, mon visage qui fait "poupée" et mes cheveux blonds. En plus de ça, j'ai toujours eu un style très féminin, ce qui a souvent laissé les gens penser que je suis quelqu’un de superficiel et matérialiste. On associe en effet souvent la coquetterie a la superficialité. Cela me touchait au début mais il faut apprendre a rester sois moi même sans être affecté par ce que les autres peuvent bien penser, et surtout s'il jugent sans connaitre. On ne peut satisfaire tout le monde!
Je ne prends aucune revanche non, je fais ce blog pour moi, c'est un plaisir. Et je le fais sans aucune arrière pensée. Bazan
do you have any bad habits?
Sure, I do. But I try to work on them! Bazan
Dis-moi, comme quasiment tous les adolescents, on cherche toujours son style durant quelques temps, es-tu toi aussi passé par là ? As-tu eu (au hasard) une phase gothique ou hippie ou autres ? :)
A vrai dire, je ne me suis jamais vraiment posée la question du "style". Quand j’étais jeune adolescente, je mettais tout simplement ce que mes copines portaient. C'est en grandissant que j'ai appris a écouter mes gouts et a oser porter ce qui me plait réellement sans me soucier de ce que les autres pourraient bien penser. Je n'ai donc jamais eu un style gothique, ni hippie. Bazan
You wear such vibrant lipsticks! What brand do you use most often? And what makeup brands do you use in general?
I absolutely love Yves Saint Laurent's lipsticks. They are fabulous. For my skin, I use a lot of clinic product, and for my make-up I enjoy Too Faced, Dior, Chanel, Nars. I have various make-up brands in my vanity. Bazan
I love all the clothes you wear, but I always wonder if you really wear them to school haha.
Hmm, not the high heels no ( unfortunately). Bazan
Hey, I saw that you are doing a lot of traveling, but how is your school?? How do you match it: travelling and school??
Yes it is sometimes a little complicated, but I try to organize myself the best that I can. By taking my school book with during my travels ( I always work in the plane) and making sure to work like a crazy after I'm back. School is really important to me, so I try to do my best to make it all work. Bazan
What does "Kayture" mean? Is it a nickname?
When I lived in the US, the kids in my kinder garden used to call me Kay, because it is the first letter of my name. When I was thinking about a name for my blog, I really wanted it to be something very personal and unique. I knew that I was going to speak about fashion, so the word couture popped in my head. Kay + couture = kayture. Bazan
You have amazing hair and I'm just curious how do you take care of them.
Well, I use a lot of hair conditioner. I am actually quite addicted to it ( I can finish a whole bottle in three days... No joke). And of course I use a lot of masks and hair oils so that my hair is shiny and moisturized.
I really like your blog and your style! :D, I wonder if you wear the clothes that you show on your blog to the highschool.
Thanks! xoxo
hola!!! nice post! i liked to see u talking on video :) u should also learn spanish!
and tell me in wich countries have u been?
you are very lovely, kristina :) You seem like a friendly and funny person.
and you made me smile a few times, because you reminded me of a 'teacher' (in a good way! Like a naughty teacher) with your facial expressions and voice:p
Keep up doing what your doing :)
greetings from croatia! D
ps. I have a question: Is there anything you dont eat?
Like carbs...?
Hey Kristina your a real beauty and i love your blog...I got a question too, how do you deal with jelaousy? I mean your a beauty and you have this impressiv blog that is known all over the for sure you can also feel jealousy? How you deal with it?
Would be nice to have a answer.
Keep Rocking, Sweetyyy
How it is to be so beautiful ? :)
loved this post! you seem so nice :) greetings from Mexico!
Fictitious Fashion
and I wanted to ask you.. what does 'Kayture' mean?? :) Fashion
You are so nice in taking time out and making these videos.. :) And dressing up for your video too.. I was constantly staring at your necklace.. it is beautiful :) and your hair too.. Take care :)
If you have time then please can you go to this LINK it is for a Facebook
Contest! Your one like cud really help me win! Please .. THank you :D
N btw, my New post is up ..Hope you like it :)
you are such a role model ♥
Hey, I saw that you are doing a lot of traveling, but how is your school?? How do you match it: travelling and school?? Thank you, for answer.:) Greetings from Lithuania!! *Sorry for mistakes
Wow ya ne znala chto ti govorish po-russki!! Ti takaya priyatnaya:) V kakoy shkole ti uchishsya? Ya bila v Swiss, v Montreaux, v Monte Rosa school for summer school :) Do you study somewhere there? Ti ochen' krasivaya, govorish po-russki s ochen milim akcentom)) Umnitsa xx
Much love from Amaral
Amazing video!!
I think it's great when bloggers answer some questions! And you seem very nice! =D
You really don't look your age (please don't take me the wrong way, because you are gorgeous!), because I'm also 18 years old, but I think it's because your blog was such an inspiration for me to write my own (which I only started this year) I always thought you'd be older than me, do you know what I mean?
Kristina, thanks for your answers! <33 So can you tell us something about your parents? Lily.
do you have any bad habits?
Fashion Yoanna
I love this video
я так и знала что ты Восточныи Европе потому что твое имя и фямилия так мне казалась, я из Кишинева :)
мне твои блог очень нравитза ти молодец
пригласчаю к сибе :
Привет, Кристина! Напишу тебе по-русски, хоть сама и говорю по-английски и по-французски))))
Была удивлена тем, что ты знаешь русский))
Скажи, у тебя мама или папа русские? Базан вроде не белорусская фамилия.
И ещё два вопроса: 1. Ты хочешь жить в Швейцарии или планируешь пожить в какой-нибудь другой стране?
2. Правильно ли я понимаю, что Kayture - это от Couture?
Спасибо тебе за блог, он мой любимый! Ты меня очень вдохновляешь. Привет из Москвы.Здесь тебя многие любят в фэшн-индустрии.
Great idea!!! It's so nice to see you "in real" for a change, you are so beautiful :)
xxx A R A H.
great video. and cute outfit.
I am so impressed with your language skills! I can only speak one language fluently and it is english, but I am studying french. I was wondering if you like to read and if so what are your favorite books.
J'aimerais s'avoir t'es livres préféré en français?
The Golden Girls
thank you so much for sharing <3 so inspirational! xx, Golden Girls
Regina G
omg you're so adorable. even better in the video than in pictures!!! кстати, я тоже говорю по-русски, хотя живу в США. Приятно услышать родную речь :) Lyn
haha you are too cute! :D!
Kristina you are SO beautiful and smart and I loved these videos!! Please do more of them!! My question for you is what is your actual origin? You said you speak Russian with your parents...are your parents Russian?
your speaking voice is so cute! thank you for taking the time to do this video! Jeanette
You are so adorable! And I love that you know so many languages! That would be something I really want to achieve in life.
I'm actually going to Switzerland at the end of this month, and I was wondering if you have any tips for what I should do? Places to visit and such. I'm going to be staying in Bern. And also, I'm not that interested in mountains, since we have that in Norway aswell.
I love your style! And everything about this blog really. You seem like such a sweet girl. I wish you all good.
Hugs, Jeanette
That was really sweet! It's not really a question but, it would be awesome if we could see your closet! I'm sure it's super cool!
Can we see it? :)
You are so adorable :)
you're very good in Russian, why don't you try to learn Polish? it is very similiar to Russian and not so difficult to learn. xoxo
Can you tell us if this shirt and necklace are from this collection or you bought it earlier? As they are freakin' amazing ! :))
Well I would like to tell you that this videos are amazing and when I was watching i wanted to ask you few things and first of all was where did you buy this beautiful shirt and necklace and then at the end of the video i see H&M and i got crazy to find it, I know that it is a little bit stupid bit it looks really really great and I am looking for sth like that for weeks! And then, you said that the weight and so on are not really important for you, however you indeed look great so maybe you can tell us if there is anything special that you are doing, some trainings, jogging or sth like that?
PS Sorry fot this long comment ;)
Kristina, I love your blog and Brazil likes too! Much success to you! Do not forget to post about Clinique, I'm very curious !When you come to Brazil? Come to the Carnival and Fashion Week! Xoxo, @BlogGdeestilo
You look like a doll !!! very cute ! i love your tshirt, your skirt and jeverlys !! i want your hair ^^
ton anglais est super, mais tu es encore plus jolie quand tu parles francais ;)
ich denke dass, dein deutsch accent ist nicht sehr schlecht.. mein deutsh ist schlechteste..
du bist sehr intelligent and hübsche
bis bald see you soon a bientot
You are my hero! You kwnow so many languages...
Great videos !!
I know this is a strange question but do you have any phobias or fears? And what is your most insane stunt?
Greetings from Poland :)
You look so beautiful and stylish!
не думала, что по-русски говоришь. вообще приятно было услышать родной язык:)) очень красивый акцент:**
вопрос: какую слушаешь музыку? часто ходишь на концерты?
с любовью из России, Юля <3
What course are you doing at school? Like IB, A levels? :)
I love you blog by the way! Harper
i can't believe you speak four different languages almost fluently and your almost eighteen. I wish I could do that. I really want to learn French. Just goes to show that North America is ignorant or/and arrogant.
I want to learn french language. I can speak 3 languages: Russian, English, Lithuanian :P
Thank you for taking the time! :)
Hi Kristina! You are a great inspiration, not just in "fashion sense" but generally! You seem like a fabulous person! I've got a question about the mint top you are wearing - I love it, where is it from? xoxo
Vera Rochell
How looks your ROOM? :)
I would be very interested, what it looks like :)
Thanks a lot, xoxo :)
can you make a post about your entire jewelry collection? bags and shoes etc? pleeeeaaaase it would be great!!!
What does "Kayture" mean? Is it a nickname?
Hi Kristina! you seem like a lovely person in the video :) I have a question: I love your eye makeup, i think it a lot, most of all in the post "resting, blogging". Could you make a tutorial where you explain with which products and how (with pictures) you do that? thank you so much :) best wishes from Zurich. :)
Your blog is amazing and so are you!!!
I'm just following you for a couple of weeks but you've already become my favourite Blogger out there!!
You've also inspired me to start own blog, since I've been thinking about it for quite a while now... :-)
Keep up the great work!!
Best wishes from Germany
you are so cute! i deeply admire you, i'm from germany and finishing highschool this year as well and i'm really impressed by how you always manage to look gorgeous, do good at school and post so much on your blog.
thank you so much for sharing all these things.
love, nathalie
Salut Kristina !
Bravo pour ton super blog !
Dis-moi, comme quasiment tous les adolescents, on cherche toujours son style durant quelques temps, es-tu toi aussi passé par là ? As-tu eu (au hasard) une phase gothique ou hippie ou autres ? :)
Bisous ! Sandra
Amazing! I wish I were multilingual, I now feel like an ignorant English speaker! Thanks for the insight into your world - you have a great attitude and are very inspiring, such a beautiful girl inside and out.
Love from Australia - Jess
great idea to do this video:) i'm impressed by your language skills:) you're super cute!
Я и подумать не могла, что когда-то ты жила в Минске. Это стало для меня настоящим сюрпризом! Я живу в России и мне бы очень хотелось уехать отсюда. Расскажи, как тебе удалось покинуть Белоруссию и оказаться в Швейцарии? Ты живешь с родителями или зарабатываешь на жизнь сама?
Hey Kristina
I like the Video, realy cute! Do you know the Marni at H&M Kollekton? I was allowed in the H&M showroom Zürich to look at the collection. All photos are on my blog. How do you like our collection?
<3 Anja
C'est drôle tu as un petit accent anglais quand tu passes de l'américain au français :) mais j'avoue que j'ai été bluffée par ton accent américain jusqu'à ce que je sache que tu avais vécu au Kentucky, c'est super d'avoir autant voyagé et d'avoir appris autant de langues ! Mais je rejoins certains qui te demandent le job de tes parents, car je suis curieuse de savoir ce qui a fait que tu as autant déménagé étant jeune (ce qui ne devait pas toujours être facile d'ailleurs)
Sinon j'ai une petite question encore plus personnelle... Mais elle me titille !
As-tu été dans ton enfance ou ton adolescence incomprise ou moquée au niveau de ton look car tu te démarquais, et si oui est-ce une belle revanche que tu prends aujourd'hui ? Et quel est le regard de tes camarades de lycée sur ton blog/look, sont-ils au courant (je suppose que oui) ?
Car j'imagine que ça doit pas être facile tous les jours au lycée
Bisous ! London
Deine Videos sind wirklich klasse und ich denke du wirkst sehr klassisch. Das gefällt mir wiiirklich gut. Und Deutsch ist eine schwere Sprache, selbst wir Deutsche haben manchmal Probleme haha
Great post my dear!
Californian London
I was wondering, do you have all three nationalities (Swiss, US and Belarus)?
Thx, P.
xOxoO from Stockhom
Кристина! Ты оказывается говоришь по-русски!!!!!
Я поражена и впечатлена!!! Это же потрясающе! Тебе есть чем гордиться;)) Но почему ты тогда считаешь своим родным языком французский, если твои родители говорят по-русски и ты родилась в Белоруссии???
I am so impressed that you can speak so many languages!
Gosh, you are so wonderful!
You're adorable!
You may not consider yourself a 'real model', but you're definitely a role model :)
Could you please do a makeup tutorial for how you did the winged eyeliner and makeup in your 'Resting, Blogging' post?
Love from Australia! x
LUV U!! :D
Wow, t'es tellement cute! je suis ton blog presque religieusement depuis plusieurs mois, et je n'ai jamais posté de commentaire (shame on me!) j'adore ton style, toujours chic, rafraîchissant et accessible! Je te félicite, tu mérites vraiment tout ce qui t'arrive de bien! Tu es gâtée via ton blog mais tu le partages tellement bien!
et bravo pour les 4 langues! c'est vraiment impressionnant!
bisous (glacés!) du Québec
I didn't understand what your nationality is, you're from Belarus right?
I'm very passionate about languages, I'm italian but I lived in Texas. I also speak spanish and french. I'd love to learn russian as well :) And as I hear in the video you'd love to learn italian! If you'd like to have some help with your italian and help me with russian please reply and I'll send you my private contact, I'm in the fashion field too (I study in Milan) so I guess we have something in common!
Going back to your post, the idea of doing this video was very good, it really helps connecting with the readers. Plus, you're photogenic, your english is very good and the french accent is lovely. You shoud do some more in the future!
Overall you're very different from many other fashion bloggers and it shows. I never comment blogs but your was worth it ;)
Miss Kwong
i've finished both videos!
just love your cuteness and how u're determined to know what u want when u're just 18.
i think u are fab in such a way you're so young but you are trying so much!
Follow me on: Kwong - Art and Fashion
Fernanda Aratani
Hey, first of all, I really admire you and what you do, I've been visiting Kayture for sometime, so it was amazing to hear more about you, from you. I really miss it from some other bloggers, because we, the readers, access, follow, see you every single day and sometimes realize we know almost nothing bout you... I loved it, you are gorgeous.
And a question: I would really like if you could tell us the exact names of the products you mentioned for your skincare (soap and others I've forgotten). It would be amazing if you could.
And last but not least, I write from Brazil, and my opinion is that you would really enjoy visiting us, but not as much as we would be to host you and James.
The best greetings ever,
Neon Pink Lips
Je commente très rarement voire presque jamais mais je tenais à te dire que tu es absolument magnifique et surtout que tu as l'air adorable et dans l'univers de la blogosphère, ça change! J'ai beaucoup aimé ta vidéo et je t'ai trouvée très naturelle, contrairement à pas mal d'autres blogueuses que je suis incapable de regarder plus de 15 secondes. Difficile à croire que tu n'as que 18 ans, je pense que la blogosphère ne se passera pas de toi et c'est en tout cas ce que je te souhaite.
PS: Impressionnante ta maîtrise de l'anglais, du français, du russe et de l'allemand.
Très bonne continuation à toi Kristina :)
Alicia me M
Wow! I'm really impressed! First of all you speak so many languages, and that's really cool and admirable! Your pronunciation is amazing! If only I could speak like that, or speak as many languages! really answered to many questions about you! Your videos were fantastic! In fact I just tweeted about them! You're such an inspiration! And I mean it! You're truly one of the best fashion bloggers out there.
monkeyshines ♥
amazing videos!
Joanne Christina
I cant believe you are only 18. Your so mature and confident. Its great.
Thanks for answering all those questions Kristina it's nice to know you a little bit better.
xoXO Andie ;)
Hi Kristina. My name is Camila and I am from Brazil. I would like to say that I am a great fan an dthink that you are a very talented person. These videos showed me that you are a very nice and caring person. I hope to meet you some day. Have you been to South America? and Kisses, Cami
I loved this!
always be positive♥mfashionfreak
Hey , d'abbord je tient a te dire que j'adore ton blog et que je le suit chaque jours , peut tu commencer a traduire ton blog en français car beaucoup de francophone suivent ton blog et comprennent pas tout ! Merci davance , continu ;)
Style Mish Mash
What a lovely video! Love the mint blouse combined with the camel.
Keep up the good work:)!
What can I do to be as beautiful as you? Please :))
Wear did you got this pretty blouse which you are wearing in the video??? :)
What job would you like to do in the future? :))
Leira Zetroc
Is it possible if you could show pictures of how you were when you were a baby/child? You must have been adorable! Zurich
I loved this video and your frank answers Kristina. You're just as lovely and striking as on your pictures and I think your blog is a huge enrichment for the Swiss blogging scene but also international of course. Keep up the good work you two!
Nesli Castleman
How did you create and decide on your blog layout and name?
Hey Kristina, I really liked the videos:) And it was amazing to hear you speaking German, because I'm German and you did quite well:D Ich werde dir ab jetzt nur noch deutsche Kommentare hinterlassen!
Liebe Grüße
very nice people yor are¡,stay like that¡
Liz from Paraguay))
You wear such vibrant lipsticks! What brand do you use most often? And what makeup brands do you use in general?
Your story is quite amazing ! I mean your blog is really good, and you speak so many languages... I really think that a lot of good things are waiting for you in the next few years ! have a question could you, please write an article about the "basic clothes" to have in its closet ?
Thanks a lot for your nice video by the way :)
You're so pretty!
So glad you did the video, I've been following you since the beginning and it's great to see you actually keep up the good work, and spend more and more time blogging! With this little peak into your life, it got clear that you have a sweet personality and you are actually a smart and determined girl :)
I know you did a hair post before, but I see a difference now in color. Is it getting darker? How about dying it brown (you mentioned it before)?
Anyways, congrats for the great work you've done!
Which brand is your laptop from? And the previous one?( cause some days ago I red on your twitter that it died)
Eris/ MissAdelajda100
Hi Kristina :)
You have amazing hair and I'm just curious how do you take care of them. They look so healthy.
Love you ♥
Hi! Your style is amazing, you're amazing and your english? OMG! Excellent! Please come to Prague! Kisses Coco :) M.
Oh, I love you now even more that I loved before :-) How can anyone be so pathetic and leave you rude comments? Pure jealousy!
Thank you so much for your answers Kristina ! You're so nice ! Have a nice weekend !
Leila Mekhdiyeva
you're so cute :D
and the fact that you know Russian is great!
удачи тебе во всех начинаниях :)
xx Leila
привет! очень рада узнать что ты говоришь по-русски! теперь могу чаще тебе писать)))
меня зовут Таня и я давно тебя читаю! Mitzie
I really love your voice! - it's so sweet and kind!
Wow, a very nice post! I've been following you for more than half a year. Your blog is getting better and better! Keep doing it! I am amazed the way you speak different languages. Все-таки только наши русскоговорящие девочки обладают такой эффектной внешностью!
You look like a character from Gossip Girl: perfect, beautiful and attractive:)
Love your blog, keep going!:) D
nice videos! It's nice to know more about you :) so thanks for all the answers!
Fashion review
Si tu pouvais mettre un sous-titre un français, se serait top ^^ Je comprend pas tout ...
J'adore comme tu es habillée :)
Julie Mitzie
If James not is your photographer, then who is? ♥*roni
Hi! You are so lucky, because you can speak french, english, russian and german.:) I live in Hungary and I'm learning german and english, but the language-education is not the best here:/ I think that russian is a very beautiful and difficult language. The video was nice, thanks! :)
kristina, you are such a mature young woman and that's a good thing! your poise and fun side radiate through these videos and i'm glad to get to know you more personally beyond just a beautiful face and clothes. thanks for taking the time to film these!
pandaphilia style
Quel était ton sujet de TM?
Аа,Кристина, ты меня всегда воодушевляешь и вдохновляешь! Огромное спасибо!!
Так странно,почти все мои лучшие друзья, очень дорогие мне люди и люди,которые меня вдохновляют, или родились, или жили в Белоруссии,хотя я живу в России!=))
Merci beaucoup!
Hey kristina! I loved the videos! I discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and since then I started to visit it every day! I am a big fan of you and your style.Your looks have beens inspiring me and I save them all in my computer!
Sorry, for the bad english, I'm from Brazil! You should come here and bring all your beauty and fashion to the brazilian girls!
California Dreams
I think that the skin care post would be very interesting, I have been using the Clinique 3 steps for 2 months and I can see a little difference but I hope with time it gets better, how long did it take to you to have a clear skin?
Oh! and I have an idea for you, it would be great if you could post an school outfit, what you actually wear to school. I love all the clothes you wear, but I always wonder if you really wear them to school haha.
you are an amazing person :)
good luck
ich wünsche dir nur das Beste !
Liebe Grüße Naddie
OMG you are really 18? I always thought you were like 25.. lol anyway, you are Beautiful!!
I'm very surprised that you can speak russian :D's F-Stuff
Hey :) i really love your french :) i speak german since my kindergarten, I don't really have an german accent , buuuut i just started MY OWN BLOG and I am very excited about it : FOLLOW ME ON : I am from Roumania, it's not such an popular country when it comes to fashion but that is my hope: that i could make fashion in Roumania also popular . I am an beginner in fashion blogs so if you like my blog you can follow me, also on lookbook by Ingrid Vogel . KRISTINA, I HOPE THAT YOU WILL READ MY COMMENT.
Ton anglais est parfait! Et tu as l'air de bien te débrouiller en allemand, j'aimerais aussi apprendre cette langue. J'ai une question:
Es-tu déjà allée à Bruxelles où ailleurs en Belgique? (Je viens du sud, à la frontière luxembourgeoise)
очень хорошо говориш по русски!! удивила)
н меня только один вопрос,может я правда что-то не понимаю,но скажи пожалуйста что означает слово Kayture? оно как-то переводится?
почему ты именно так назвала свой блог?
Quand on y pense c'est incroyable ce que tu fais du hauts de tes 18 ans, tu m’impressionne beaucoup, autant que tu m'inspire ! Et si y a une chose que j'apprécie vraiment c'est que malgré le manque de temps entre tes études, ton blog et tout le reste tu restes proche de tes lecteurs ( et en plus tu parles français Ahah ) Renee
you are too adorable
;love always xoxo
Gudbjorg Thora Stefansson
I think it's very cool that you made this video! You have very good tips!! You are also very inspiring, and I hope you find something in the fashion/entertainment world that you like! I have also been looking at many schools in fashion and entertainment and It's so hard to choose and find out what you want to do because there are so many options!
I love your videos!!!^^
Большой привет тебе из России!))
Я уже давно читаю твой блог,и где-то ты уже писала,что ты родилась в Минске.Но я не была уверена,что ты еще помнишь русский,и эти видео были для меня большим сюрпризом,особенно,когда ты начала говорить по русски!))Ты большая молодец,знаешь столько языков,просто умница!!))
Теперь я буду чаще писать тебе комментарии,ты не против если они будут на русском?)
Cette vidéo est une très bonne idée, tu te montres proche des followers, tout le monde ne peut qu'aimer :-) Je t'envie de parler si bien le russe, c'est une langue que je n'ai pas encore pu apprendre ! Tu es ravissante, et tu as l'air si sympathique. J'aime beaucoup ta vision des choses, et tu as un goût terrible en matière de mode, je suis littéralement FAN !
Bises, Marie :-)
first a very very nice video, thank you so much. you are just an adorable girl, stay like this! :)
Und dein Deutsch ist wirklich gut, dafür dass du es nur in der Schule lernst. Ich bin wirklich beeindruckt! :)
Such an amazing video! Thanks for answering so many questions! And I absolutely love that skirt you're wearing :)
xx, Susann in Pepperland
Paula D.
Great video, you are very sweet. And I found out that you were born the day as me, only in different years. I was born october 28, 1991. :)
Kristina, I just wanted to tell you how much I loved your video. You seem like such a lovely person, and I need to say you have an amazing amazing voice, it was such a pleasure listening to it :) All languages suit you so well :)
I believe it's a difficult task doing such a video, since (I think) it reveals much more of one than photos, but you did so great and I believe people now feel kind of more connected with you - well I do haha!
Now that's a long comment, but I really wanted to tell you all that, especially after the video :) Keep on, and I'm certain you'll achieve everything you want! (Ok, I'll have to add my creeper comment: You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen - online or real - and with all your skills and knowledge you'll definitely make your way! Btw don't worry, I'm no crazy stalker :P :D)
All the best,
Hi Kristina!I've been following your blog for 4 months and I love it, you look like a really nice and friendly person :) I can't believe you're just one year older than me! How can you manage to do exams and blog at the same time? It must be difficult! You started Kayture when you were the same age as i am and I can't really imagine doing somthing so important now. This is a reason why I admire you so much. Keep doing the same
I've 2 questions for you too:
1) Did you have to pay the whole price for your travels to Tokyo (for the Vogue fashion's night out) and New York (with fashiolista)? How can you afford your travels?
2) where do you usually shoot your outfits and which place do you prefer?
Thanks for your answers
A kiss from Italy!
Quel était ton sujet de TM?
Dear Kristina,
I really appreciate it that you take your time to make these videos :)
I have a question, what foundation do you use? And what is your shade?
I always love the lipsticks you wear, so it would be great if you could list the lipstick that you're wearing in your blog posts...
Please answer my questions :)
Love from Hong Kong <3
i had no idea you're only 18! such a successful blogger for your age, such an inspiration for me (:
I want to become a fashion designer & i been following this dream since i was a little girl and continuing now as I am 15 years old!
You look adorable =)
You are simply amazing !you have such a good personality
так круто что ты знаешь русский;) Bron
love your lipstick
what kind is it?
You are so nice and pleasant! really good to know it ;)
Stephanie Hadrath
Lovely video!!!
xxx from Spain
Aww, I love it! :) Guler
Have you ever been to Turkey? :)
Please do more videos!
I think you are absolutely gorgeous and I have lots of respect for your language skills!
A question: What camera and lenses does James use for the photography on your blog?
Bonjour Kristina!
Я тоже в своё время уехала из русско-говорящей страны (жила в России, но в принципе не вижу большой разницы с Белоруссией) во франко-, поэтому захотелось написать тебе по-русски.
Очень и оочень приятно было посмотреть твоё видео! В отличие от многих блоггеров, которые,в большинстве своём, к соажелению, необразованные и крайне занудные люди, ты очень выделяешься, ты просто молодец.
И хотелось бы задать вопрос.
- Кто ты по национальности? Фамилия Bazan для меня не подходит ни под белорусскую, ни под францускую фамилию...
- Сталкивалась ты с проблемами расистскими? Я имею в виду... многие имеют глупые стереотипы по поводу русских (белоруссов, украинцев...)И это очень мне неприятно
- Была ли ты когда-нибудь в России?
- Ты планируешь и дальше жить в Швейцарии? Je serais si contente de te voir à Paris!
- Ты умеешь писать по-русски? я честно говоря пишу лучше, чем говорю, но всё же постоянно делаю ошибки..
Прости за так много вопросов! Удачи тебе, ты замечательная девушка.
You look so pretty :)
Love your video and blog!
I also use a clinique 3 step skincare!
You`re so beautiful i live in Liechtenstein and i`m very often in switzerland :) you`re such a inspire for me because i`m only 15. I love you`re style <3
вау! я тоже не догадывалась что по русски говоришь!так здорово было услышать!
Kristina Bazan
I have a one question, have you ever been in Czech Republic?
No, unfortunately I've never been there! But I hope I will. Leclerq
Kristina, you are such a linguistic blogger. You have such a good blog and good attitude. I wish you the best in journey and hope you soar to success.
Sophie leclerq.
Your videos are really nice, I like your voice, I thought thet you have a british accent! :D
I have a one question, have you ever been in Czech Republic? 'cause you know, I'm from Czech Republic, so I'm just curious. :) Bazan
What do you usualli wear to school? :)
Comfortable but yet elegant and fashionable pieces. style stays the same except I don't wear to flashy colours or high heels.
Super vidéo! Je t'admire beaucoup, tu es une vraie inspiration! Surtout que j'habite aussi en Suisse et que donc je sais que ce n'est pas facile de percer dans la mode ici...... mais avec ton blog et ton talent je suis sûre que tu as un magnifique avenir qui t'attend! J'ai une autre petite question; est-ce que tu habites sur Lausanne ou sur Genève? Et dans quel collège vas-tu?
Tout de bon pour tes études et continue ce que tu fais, c'est génial! :-)
Wow I'm amazed that you speak english, russian and german so well! Congrats! I love your shirt and skirt- what brand is it?
Kristina Bazan
I was wondering, what are your favorite blogs? like, the ones you read everyday!
There's a lot of them actually, Bryan Boy, fashion squad, stylescrapbook, cupcakes and cashmere, park and cube, the blonde salad, fashion toast, sea of shoes, le blog de betty... These are the main ones that I follow.
What do you usualli wear to school? :)
Kristina Bazan
What are your favorite books?and witch one are you reading at the moment?
I absolutely loved reading Bel-Ami from Maupasssant, such an interesting storyline. Right now I am reading schoolbooks, like Phedre by Racine. And in my free time I catch up on HP because I've never read the books. L-sonia
Аббалдеть,ты такая умничка,знаешь столько языков,а то,что говоришь по русски для меня большой сюрприз)))Приятно видеть тебя не только на фото,но и на видео!Мне очень понравилось!)
What are your favorite books?and witch one are you reading at the moment?
I would love to see what you wear in high school! :)
Hi Kristina! i love your blog, it's such an inspiration for me, that's why I started my own blog (aka I was wondering, what are your favorite blogs? like, the ones you read everyday! lot of success on your way, and I hope to meet you someday.
Kristina Bazan
Je voulais te demander comment tu as fait grandir ton blog, avais tu des amis qui faisaient la même chose avant?
Ca demande beaucoup de travail et d'investissement personel, mais j'adore blogguer. Je ne connaissais personne de mon entourage qui ait un blog non, mais je m'inspirais de bloggers de l’étranger. Bazan
What do your family think about about your blogging career? Do they understand what exactly are you doing?
They support me! And yes of course they understand, they follow and read my blog aswell.
You are super sweet!!! I love the fact that you speak several languages, just keep on practicing them and learning even some new ones
Keep on the good work! :*
Amazing! You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen and I grant you the success with your blog very much!
I was surprised about the languages you're speaking because they are the same ones that I know! :)
You are my favourite blogger, krassiwaya dew4onka! :)
Probably I'm starting to be annoying but there is the last question that I really wanted to ask you: do your family think about about your blogging career? Do they understand what exactly are you doing? They must be really proud of you if they understand how serious is your blogging
Bonjour,'est une très bonne idée d'avoir fait une video, et le fait que tu portes des vêtements accessibles a tout le monde (et qui rendent vraiment bien en l'occurrence!) prouve que la mode ce n'est pas seulement se ruiner dans des vêtements, c'est bien plus.
Je voulais te demander comment tu as fait grandir ton blog, avais tu des amis qui faisaient la même chose avant?
En tout cas continue ce que tu fais,
La bise de Paris,
Well I do visit my relatives in Switzerland too)'s actually how I found out about your blog they told me about you, cause they know you and your family) and must say that I' ve just fall in love with your blog so keep pushing Kristina, and hope I'll meet you some day)
Born on heels
This comment has been removed by the author.
I really admire you, your passion for fashion and how confident you are.
Please share what you are wearing at those videos? I love the blouse. Also have you though about selling some of your clothes, jewelry, etc through your blog? Some bloggers are doing it and I must say I think its a great idea. :-)
Thank you. Karolina.
Kristina Bazan
ты иногда ездишь в Белоруссию чтобы навестить своих родственников? И если да то как часто?
Not often unfortunately, my family visits us sometimes in Switzerland however.
Your russian talk was gorgeous)мой вопрос:
ты иногда ездишь в Белоруссию чтобы навестить своих родственников? И если да то как часто?
shopaholic housewife
You look beautyful in the videos | entertainment-scrapbook
i loved these videos, just like everyone else before said too ^^ i didn't know that you speak russian (i do too :) ) and your language skills are great!!!!! you're probably the one blog (out of a whole list which i read regularly), to whose posts i always look forward the most!! your photos are simply impeccable!! so a shoutout to james at this point, he's doing an incredible job and i guess it tends to be a bit forgotten with the focus being on the actual blogger :)
with love,
Kristina Bazan
1. It would be so interesting if you can tell what's your favorite place in Switzerland and also in the world because I think you were travelling a lot?
I love spending time in Montreux, it's a gorgeous place in Switzerland and each time I am there : it feels like it's a part of the rest of the world. It's so relaxing, and it looks like it's a holidays destination.
I absolutely love Paris, it's my crush destination. The Angelina is the best place for hot chocolates, so delicous.
2. Can I also ask you what clothing size you wear?
I wear 34EUR for dresses and shirts, meaning small I guess. For jeans I wear 36-38EUR medium. yeah, when I have took part in the Miss Switzerland contest I was focusing so much on my weight and now I realized that it was wrong. So those numbers, are just numbers for me! The most important is how you feel about yourself, not the mensurations. You can wear a 42 and be gorgeous, or wear a 32 and look fabulous.
Jelisaveta Đukanović
GREAT VIDEOS! :)) was wondering which camera and lens do you use, because your photos are really beautiful! :))
you don't need to be insecure about your english, it's better than mine! and i'm native! loved this, you've always been an inspiration to me in the fashion blog world!
I really enjoyed the part about languages :D. And it was very nice to hear you. Bazan
Do you do any workout?
I did, but now that it's winter.. I don't!
Kristina Bazan
- what kind of music inspire you ?
Right now I am listening to a lot of different artists. I have a big crush for Lana del Rey, but a part from her I love listening to older music such as Madonna, Queen or Bowie. I love their retro style, and I think music was quite better a couple of years ago. However I also love Muse, Lykke Li, The temper trap and of course Gaga.
- same question for movies. Do you like watching old movies or do you prefer recent one ?
Both. My favourite movies are The Moulin Rouge, with Nicole Kidman, I am so fascinated by the atmosphere of this movie, and Mr Nobody with Jared Leto. Amazing story. I also enjoy movies such as Match Point by Woody allen, or V Vendetta with the famous mask that the anonymous also wear .
In the category of older movies, I love All about Eve, and enjoyed watching Some like it hot with Marilyn Monroe.
- last but not least, do you have an idol ?
I admire quite a lot of people, especially the ones that reached their goal and did a lot of proffessional and personal achievements. Of course I look up to people in the fashion world particulary. I don't think that I hold one person as an idol, it's a mix of different figures who each have something to learn to us.
You have a wonderful accent for someone who's mother tongue isn't English.And I love what you are wearing.
Great video! I loved watching it.
I think people are curious about your height and weight because they want to be like you. You became such an idol for me even if I am some years older than you and I love how naturally and friendly you seem to be from all I read here and from you video too. :)
I have some questions too.. Maybe for next time or maybe you have the time to answer them in this post?
1. It would be so interesting if you can tell what's your favorite place in Switzerland and also in the world because I think you were travelling a lot?
2. Can I also ask you what clothing size you wear?
And, adding to the second question, I think you ARE pretty skinny, weighing only 55 kilos! If you don't have to do anything for this and you can eat what you like to, that's amazing and perfect for you!
Keep doing! I hope your blog will grew even bigger and I also hope to see more interesting videos from you!
that's the cutest video I've seen in a long time! you're beautiful and you stay very natural, that's what I like about you and why I visit Kayture that often. Keep up the good work, Kristina!
PS. Since I'm German, it was a pleasure to hear the small German part in the video, thumbs up :)
XX Bazan
First of all thanks to all the russian comments! Unfortunately I don't have a russian keyboard, but It's so nice to read them. Spasibo devotchki :)
Было очень неожиданно и приятно услышать тебя на русском! А помимо разговорной практики, посоветую тебе читать книги на русском!;)Ты такая милая! Спасибо большое за интересные ответы!;))
Так прикольно было услышать как ты говоришь по-русски! У тебя очень забавный акцент :) но что интересно - видно, что ты говоришь на нем свободно, правильно склоняешь слова (что очень важно). Ты молодец ;)
Теперь буду оставлять тебе комментарии на русском языке :)
Could you please please please upload the video with you doing your makeup once again but without music? In germany, it's not possible to watch it because it's blocked because of the music :(
I am admired your knowledge of languages! I want to say that you are very cute :)
Nice videos ! It's good to know more about you, your passions and your ideas (and you're just gorgeous when you speak in french and russian !)
I've some question for you that I hope you'll answer :
- what kind of music inspire you ?
- same question for movies. Do you like watching old movies or do you prefer recent one ?
- last but not least, do you have an idol ? someone who really inspire you in your everyday life and fashion
Thank you for your answers and keep on the great job !
Кристина, хочу сказать, что тебя очень приятно слушать! И было интересно узнать, что ты говоришь по-русски))
Кристина (Украина).
Your English is quite good. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes. Nice video, greetings from Poland!
I think you're beautiful, and sincere.. And you should learn italian !
I like your hair! What products you are using? :-))
Wow! My opinion of you has really changed :) In a good way, of course. You seem like a really nice and smart person and your language knowledge is impressive :)
OMG, Kristina ! You are so clever !
Please, start doing more videos !
А я-то все думаю, писать комментарии на русском или нет=) Первый раз посмотрела чьи-то видео целиком. Ты умничка!
Nice video! I really admire your English, it's almost flawless and I'm pretty sure you will expand your vocabulary over time.... As a matter of fact, I have never met any french speaking person who speaks English that well ( besides myself)!!
Keep up the great work!!
I loved seeing this, you`re blog is great and inspirational! Keep up the great work and thank you for all that you do!
Kristina, I think you should do more videos, you are pretty good at it!:) There are some questions from me: what are your parents' job? do you do any workout? I am curious 'cos you have such a great body! Have a nice day! XX Nora
Teona Lataria
Great answers,and i loved Ur french so much,u speak beautifully <3
Quel vernis t'as mis? Et pour la tenue?
you look beautiful :) and I love when you speak diffrent languages!!
Loved the videos and your honest answers :-) I think it's a thing most smaller bloggers wonder about "How can they afford it all?"... and your answer covered that perfectly :-) Thank you!
I really like you. You have that 'Je ne sais quoi'. Thank you for this video Kristina. Xx Cristel
you are soo cute :)
You are so beautiful.Tell about your beauty secrets :))
la vie quotidienne
I can't wait to see it at home!!
xoxo from BCN Vie Quotidienne
Aurélie and Angelo
Love that mint top and the beige skirt!'s Closet
I love those video!!!
Jamie E. Anthony
i love the video!!! your english is divine!
You're so cute :)