Next StoryPrevious Story 08.08.11

Jones and jones ( omnitrade showroom visit)

YELLOW DRESS AND CLOTHING LINESWelcome Monday. Spending the week-end at a friend’s spa and watching Mary Poppins in bed is a real pleasure, and yet I feel energy to start the week. If you have been following my blog from it’s almost beginning then you should have heard about omnitrade fashion’s brand. As their showroom is in the region, we decided to start a great collaboration together. Therefore, last week I was in their showroom to choose some clothes for an upcoming giveaway that I will actually post not later than tonight. You will be able to win, either a gorgeous Isabel Lu dress or a rock and roll E-vil t-shirt, the choice will be up to you.

In the mean time, I am looking like a walking banana with my yellow dress. However I have always loved yellow, and yet I totally love this Jones & Jones dress which is prefect for summer.What I loke the most about it, is it’s cut, the back is all open and it looks fun and elegant at the same time. I wanted to pair it with a necklace, made of dark red stones. The necklace does it all, no need for more accessories.

SHOES : Zara

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